Guess I'm starting look abit ahead, fall is coming up and we have to get a bit more dressed. The middel one i Elin from Style by Kling, the other two I've missed the source on...
I think alot, that can get me in to trouble. Sometimes I feel I say to much, which can lead to me saying to little. I feel life is full of contradictions, but I try to live juggeling this things the right way, sometimes it goes oh so wrong. But we always have eachother, and beauty, and fashion. ;)
The one on the right just looks uncomfortably wrong. Granted I don't claim to know women's fashion.
SvarSlettThink all the outfits look great!! :)
SvarSlettthe one on the right is from the streethearts =) raddest blog eva!
Elsker virkelig hun til venstre. Se så uskyldig og søtt fjes, og så rå og kul stil!
SvarSlettloooove the 2nd look!
SvarSlettso in love with the second look her boots are awsome!