"somewhere we know that without silence words lose their meaning, that without listening speaking no longer heals, that without distance closeness cannot cure."
a bustier like one of these? or something like that... Most important is that it's not tranparent and not too cute. I'm going to wear it under an open jacket like on the pics. Anyone know? I've been looking all over...
My new lipstick and nail polish from my favorite cosmetic brand. The picture made the colours a bit different. But the lipstisk is in a nude colour named; blond sensuel, and the nailpolish is purpel rose. Both of them look amazing on and they decorate my bathroom shelf beautifully.
I feel like wearing something like this today. Soft and comfy. My camera is back from repair in about 3 weeks, 3 weeks!! That's a lifetime! How will I survive...
No time for blogging yesterday. It was such a warm and busy day. And it started with me getting my hands on the blouse you see Caroline wearing, from the Matthew Williamson for H&M collection. Very happy with me buying something colourish. ;)
It is such a calm spring night, I feel blessed in my life. Though my heart bleeds and the future is unsure, I think there will be times like this again, me at peace with myself.
I have the most amazing girlfriend, she has been with me through thick and thin and I can tell her everything, and I mean everything. I can always rely on her to support me and try to understand me. At the same time she will always tell me if she think I'm wrong or on a bad path. I'm so lucky to have such a girl in my life. Even though we live far apart she is so close to my heart. She is my hero. And togheter we will make it.
Early morning in bed. It's so gray outside, I don't wanna get up. Thinking about a DIY project, I really wanna glue studs to a jeanswest or pants. I wonder where I can buy the studs, anyone know?
Uh... I don't like this picture... skirt looks to big... I let the t-shirt hang outside the skirt later that day, it made it a bit better. I see thing's from another angle with this outfit posts, good thing.
Hah, never throw away an old camera, you never know when you just might need it again. :P The jeans and cardigan I bought yesterday. All but the shoes (Bianco) from Gina Tricot. Very summer, can't wait to mix it with different clothes and accessories
My camera is broken. :( Buhu... So no outfits pics for a while. Bad timing since I finally found som clothes in the colour nude; a sweather from bik bok and a cardigan from gina tricot. Guess I'll just have to show you later. This is a picture I took before easter, it was a foggy morning. I' ve used the program Photoscape to make the colours brighter and to mirror the tree. Quite happy with it. :)
I've been up for 2 hours, it was dark then and I drank tea while a new day came to life. The zoom on my camera is broken, have to fix that today, among other things... The first day after vacation is always full of things that must be done. Have a nice spring day everyone!
Stella McCartney spring/summer 2009. I've written about my love for the nude colours before. It's still very much on my mind, maybe because I still haven't bought anything new in nude colour. Favorite of this 5 is nr.2.
This is some of what I've been doing this easter. I'm repainting this table, but first I have to get of all the other paint... I've uncovered red paint under the blue one, and green paint under the red one... hehe, yes this have taken me some time. ;) The table is going to be perfect though, big enough to serve dinner if I want that, and small the rest of the time. :)
This bag is from Wang. And I've found one very much like this wich I really fell for, but do I need it... hmm... Maybe I should buy a different one since it's spring... Have to think about that.
The day before everything turned The sun came in the window I bathed in it, the sun reflected in my skin and I saw Everything was innocent my limbs trembeling with excitement I smiled like I so often did Spinning around in the kitchen Waiting with such happines I did not know what life had given me life can take away
I was taking pictures of todays outfit when the battery on my camera went out, crap! Do I have new ones... no. Typical, I'm wearing my new jeans shorts from never denim and everything. hmf! A picture of Kate in a somewhat similar outfit, I'm wearing thights though, of course, it's spring, not summer. :) But I'm happy with the sun and trees are getting green. :)
If I just had some Burberry to put on... So casual, yet well-dressed. Regret I didn't buy the trenchcoat Marc o'Polo had last summer, the nicest trenchcoat I've ever seen... These ones are in a class by them selves.
I'm looking at the new stuff on Nelly.com This is what I've found, nowone can guess what my favorite colour is this days... ;) Just love that champagne. ;) Should I buy any of these or not? I have to keep in mind that I'm only 160 cm... and the models wearing the items on the pictures are most likely a bit taller.. :P
I think alot, that can get me in to trouble. Sometimes I feel I say to much, which can lead to me saying to little. I feel life is full of contradictions, but I try to live juggeling this things the right way, sometimes it goes oh so wrong. But we always have eachother, and beauty, and fashion. ;)